Complying development is a fast-track approval process for straightforward residential developments. If the application meets specific criteria, it can be determined and approved as Complying Development.
Quality Private Certifiers staff are accredited to issue Complying Development Certificates for any specified Complying Development in NSW.
Private Certifiers

This includes:
Reviewing plans and documentation for compliance with the requirements of the National Construction Code of Australia (BCA). Preparation and issue of a checklist addressing all documents required for our assessment. Reviewing Council’s and other Authorities' requirements (as applicable).
Satisfy ourselves that all monies payable to the council and/or other authorities, e.g. insurances, bonds, deposits, levies and other fees have been paid.
As an Accredited Certifier, undertaking the required pre-approval site inspection.
Determination and issuance of a Complying Development Certificate.

Some categories of work that are complying development:

·        Construction of a new dwelling
·        Alterations and additions to an existing dwelling
·        Construction of a secondary dwelling
·        Demolition of a building
·        Swimming Pools
·        Townhouse
·        Villas
·        Duplexes
·        Shed
·        Garage
·        Carport